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"Ink" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2023

"BeLonging" - evening of work, including "Syzygy - New Moon" another chapter of storytelling and movement made for video, as well as new collaborations with Jesse Jason, Katie Federowicz Perez, Laura Sargent Hall and others, premiered Pathways Arts, Chilmark, MA, January, 2022

"Seven Minutes or Less" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2022

"Syzygy - Full Moon" - storytelling and movement made for video, premiered Pathways Arts, Chilmark, MA, January, 2022

"If Not Now..."Built on Stilts and The Oak Bluffs Arts Stroll, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2021.

"A Dance Movie with Snacks" - video made for Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA,2020.


"Be Here Now" - video made for Built on Stilts, 2020.

"The Certainty of Monsters (Size Matters)" Featuring music composed by Brian Hughes, January 31st, 2020, Pathways, Chilmark, MA.

"Whitewash" - A.R.T. on The Vine at The Yard, August 24, 26, 2019, Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2019.

"Mix and Match" - co-created and improvised with Cassie Tunick, Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2019.


"Um Ah" - We Dance at Pathways Arts at Chilmark Tavern, Martha's Vineyard, MA, April, 2019

"Would You Rather Bee or a Wasp?" - co-choreographed with Leah Crosby, A.R.T. on The Vine at The Yard, August, 2018 and at We Dance at Pathways Arts, Chilmark Community Center and Chilmark Tavern, Martha's Vineyard, MA, April, 2018

"Yacking with Gregory Peck" - Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2018.

"Swimming in the Pool of Truth" - co-choreographed with Leah Crosby, We Dance at Pathways Arts, Chilmark Community Center and Chilmark Tavern, Martha's Vineyard, MA, March, 2018 & November, 2017


"Timing is Everything" - A.R.T. on the Vine at The Yard, Martha's Vineyard, MA and Built on Stilts, August & September, 2017.


Untitled - International Women's Day event, Pathways Arts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, March, 2017

"Between Wind and Water, A Medley" - Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2016

"Disdance is a drag" - co-choroeographed with Katie Federowicz Perez, Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2016


"Whoa" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August, 2013


"Pull My Finger" - co-choroeographed with Katie Federowicz Perez, Triskelion Arts, May 2013


"This Is My Lovey Wumpus" Triskelion Arts' Comedy in Dance Festival, April 2012.


"The Battle Royal" - Triskelion Arts' Comedy in Dance Festival, April 2012.


"Flash Dance" Built on Stilts, MV revised 2011, Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY, June 2002. Revised Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY, June 2003.


"Lye" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA August, 2010.


"Apathy's Sympathy, Uppity's Epiphany" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA. August, 2009.


"Til the spoon stands up" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA. August, 2009.


"Perspiration is 99% Inspiration" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA. August, 2008.


"The Dopple Gang" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA. August, 2007.


"Melon (PantyExplosionIV) a work not necessarily in progress" WAXworks at Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY, June 2007.


"Opus Ten, Rumpus 9,999" Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August 2006.


"Sleeping Giants" Built on Stilts, August 2005, The Yard, Martha's Vineyard, MA, July 2007.


"Piqued"  The Yard, Martha's Vineyard, MA, July 2007, FreeFest at Triskelion Arts October 2006, University of Western Ontario Dance Company performance, London, Ontario, March, 2005, Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY, December 2002, Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 2002.


"Septic Crisis" The Yard, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, July 2007, FreeFest at Triskelion Arts, October 2007, Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY, June 2003, Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 2000


"Light Falls on Everything" co-choreographed with Laura Sargent Hall, Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August 2004.


"The Royal We" co-choreographed with Nora Laudani, Built on Stilts, Martha's Vineyard, MA, August 2004.


"Speak my language" Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 2003.


"Bedtime Poems" Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY, June 2003.


"Joyous a Circus" Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY, June 2003, Dance Theater Workshop, New York City, May 2000.

"Serenade" Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY, June 2003.

"Locus" - group collaboration, Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 2002.


"3 Piece Suit/e", WAX, Brooklyn, NY, June 2001.


"50 Times Your Natural UVB Sunburn Protection" Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 2001.


"Float?" Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 1999.

"Shadow" - (group collaboration), Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 1999.


"Mostly Heroes" - Context Studios, New York City, May 1998.


"Garden" - Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 1998.


"Sail Away on the Island Queen" - Built on Stilts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA, August 1997.

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