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Loosely structured on beloved fairytales and intimate interviews with family, the piece explored what it means to love and how its loss may effect one's sense of self and mortality. The central image of the show - a dozen or more Wizard-of-Oz Dorothys onstage at once - created a manic theatrical spectacle while evoking and critiquing cultural fables of troubled womanhood. The cast of 23 alternately play the lead character as she stumbles through a deconstructed world in which she is forced to face her demons and herself.


According to one audience reviewer  "Transcending kitchiness, Gutterball's Dorothys became Eve and Snow White, Madonna (both pop and biblical), a forest of dangling bodies, a living bowling alley, and the entire cast of Alice in Wonderland. With costumes, music, and movements that collage music videos, street theater, circus performance, lounge entertainment, and high modern dance, the work provided plenty of emotional, narrative and conceptual threads to let the audience find its way into Gutterball's strange labyrinth, and then back home again."



g u t t e r b a l l,  a  w i l d e r n e s s


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Created by Abby Bender 

Premiered Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY - May, 2007; Redux October, 2007

Conceived by Abby Bender.

Performed by Josie Carbone, Adam Davidson, Danielle DiCamillo, Sara Edwards, Katie Federowicz, Marcelle Hopkins, Kate Kaminski, Ken Lang, Lyz Merida, Mandana Mofidi, Christi Mueller, Janessa Olsen, Katie O'Neill, Reshma Patel, Julia Peck, Natasha Ross, Melissa SanFiorenzo, Bathsheba Squires, Emily Taradash, Tradon Turner, Pedro Jimenez and Tommy Wilkinson.

Costumes by Emily Taradash and Abby Bender.

Video by Akil Kraja and Loch Phillipps.

Sound and text by Abby Bender and John McCloskey.

Set by Paul Duffy and Abby Bender.

Lighting Design by Andrew Dickerson.

The official website for Abby Bender


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