A b b y B e n d e r
stuff about the performing artist, abby bender. (still under construction - the site and the artist.) stay tuned for more info, including video clips to come!
Pathways Arts, Chilmark, MA, April 6, 2024
Abby Bender, Jesse Jason and friends explored themes of coming apart and rebuilding in this collaborative evening of work. The performance, in three acts, began with the work "Division Revision" conceived in a day by Bender, Jason and Lucy Grinnan, Katie Federowicz, Danielle Mulcahy, Hadassah Nelson, Melissa Petrosinelli, Katherine Reid, Libby Stackhouse. Each artist brought either text, choreography, or visual elements to the work which was then structured and scored by Bender and Jason and performed a week later. Bender, Jason and Lagan Love shared a redux of their hilarious Bee Gees lip sync routine which too third place at the recent contest to benefit Friends of Family Planning. Closing the night's program was a solo action theater improvisation by the imcomparable Cass Tunick, visiting from NYC.

This Program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Martha's Vineyard Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.